Available in Medilink 2018 R1 Update

As a provider you may wish to allow another user access to private Notes/Consultations. 

Medilink allows you to control access to Private Consultations where you may choose to give temporary access to specific users in Medilink. 

With any patient open on screen, right-click on Consultations.

Go to Set Privacy for ALL Patient notes >> Set Access for another user.

This will open the DHR User Access Settings window for the current provider (user). By default, no other user has access to your private consultation notes.

The left-hand side contains a list of DHR users who cannot view the providers private notes. 

To allow access for a user, select the user from the list on the left and either double-click the name or click the Add >> button. 

This will add the user to Current Access Allowed To list. This user will now be able to view all the current providers Consultations.

Access can be revoked at any time by the Provider by double-clicking the user or selecting the user from the Current Access Allowed To list and clicking the << Remove button.

Video Demonstration