If you receive the above error codes when submitting Medicare Online claims (seems to happen more with DVA claims), please review the below guide:


Open File Menu -> Change Details -> Provider Details.


Press the little + next to the Provider.


Choose the Hospital or Day Surgery and click Edit Practice.


Ensure that a Facility Id is filled in (a full list is provided below).


Make sure you press OK (in some cases the Facility Id may have already been filled in, please press OK anyway as we want to ensure it gets set correctly in the database).

Try and Claim again.

Repeat for any additional Hospital or Day Surgery locations (you only need to do it once per Location Name, not for every single combination Location Name and Provider).

Facility Ids: https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/hospitals2.htm

Query fixes:

insert into 'practicelocation.db'
select cast(0 as int), cast(p.'practice name' as varchar(256)), cast('' as varchar(256)), cast('' as varchar(256)), cast('' as varchar(256)), cast('' as varchar(256)), cast('' as varchar(256)), cast('' as varchar(256)), cast('' as varchar(256)), cast('' as varchar(256)), cast('' as varchar(256)), cast('' as varchar(256)), cast('' as varchar(256)) from '#practice.db' p
where p.'practice name' not in (select pl.'name' from 'practicelocation.db' pl)

update 'practicelocation.db' p
set p.'facilityid' = (select i.'facilityid' from 'imchospital.db' i where i.'hospitalname' = p.'name' and i.'facilityid' > '') where p.'facilityid' = '' or p.'facilityid' is null


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