If you get the following error:

ePrescribing Communication Error

ePrescribing Communication Error: There was no endpoint listening at http://localhost:3440/StandardAdapterService.svc/outbound that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

Please restart ePrescribing Services and/or restart computer.

1. Try the reboot.


3. Check the date modified of the EXE files (i.e. ERX.CONFIGURATION.EXE) - if it's older than 16 Sept 2021 then you should update to v4.2.2 (see attached zip)


a. Stop All Services and then Start both Services again.

b. Diagnostics -> Start Test. Make sure the Create has 0 errors (the others can have 10 errors, but Create should have 0).


a. Make sure the *only* certificate there says GENERAL.800xxxxx. This is a newer SHA-2 (aka SHA-256) certificate.

i. If you have another certificate there with your company/business/provider name then it is likely an old SHA-1 certificate. You must open CERTMGR.MSC (as Admin), go to Trusted People and delete this old SHA-1 certificate.

ii. If you do not have a SHA-2 certificate you must install it. You can obtain from your PRODA. Medilink cannot help you get this.

b. Enter your Entity Ids if not listed and click Next.