Migrate Medilink to New Workstation
1. Log on to your new Workstation as an Administrator
2. Navigate to Server's Medilink path, i.e. \\<YOUR_SERVER_NAME>\MEDILINK
3. Copy the MedilinkUpdate folder from the server to the Desktop of the new Workstation
4. Run Desktop\MedilinkUpdate\FullInstall.EXE and follow the prompts. Ideally keep the local install path as the default C:\medilink32bnt.
For more information see: Install Medilink on Workstation
5. Copy the Medilink32bnt folder from an old Workstation to the new Workstation. Ideally the old Workstation fulfilled the same role as the new Workstation will i.e. both reception desk Workstations
6. If the install location is being changed, modify the Medilink32bnt\Bin\Medi_Acc.INI paths in notepad
7. Run Network Management from the Medilink Launcher or Legacy Utilities
8. Make sure the path to the Server is correct and click OK
9. Run Desktop\MedilinkUpdate\MedilinkUpdate.EXE. and choose Workstation install when prompted
10. Exclude Medilink folders/executables from real-time scanning, and add exclusions for MPW2000.EXE in DEP settings where applicable