Task Manager was released late 2018 as part of our Medilink 2018 R2 Update. It is designed as a tool to improve productivity for individuals and the practice.
- Track work that needs to be completed.
- Assign tasks to other members of your team.
- Due dates and reminders help you stay on top of your work and make sure you don't forget any deadlines.
- Task priorities help you to put first things first.
- Create tasks which are linked to appointments.
Update June Medilink 2019 R1:
- We have added a smart notification system. Get notified via email and directly on your desktop.
- Coming very soon: photo/attachment system.
For enquiries, please email sales@medilink.com.au or call 1300 881 995 (select option 2).
...... 2.2 Add a task to an appointment
...... 2.3 The 'New' task dialog
6. How to add a note to a task
9. How to change the due date of a task
10. How to modify multiple tasks at a time
1. How to open Task Manager
Task Manager can be opened directly from Medilink on your desktop, or in a web browser.
1.1 How to open Task Manager from Medilink
From the Accounting screen, click on the Tasks button. If you're using the Classic GUI, the Tasks button will look as follows:
If you're using the Modern GUI, the Tasks button will look as follows:
1.2 How to open Task Manager from a web browser
If you're using Medilink Cloud in a web browser (on your phone or tablet, for example), you can use the navigation menu to get to Task Manager.
On a small device, the navigation menu looks like this:
On larger devices, the navigation menu looks like this:
2. How to add a task
There are two ways to add a task: (1) the 'normal' way, and (2) adding a task to an appointment.
2.1 Standard way
From the Tasks screen, select the purple plus ( + ) icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.
2.2 Add a task to an appointment
You can add a task to an appointment from the Appointments screen. Select an appointment and select the Add task to selected appointment button.
2.3 The 'New' task dialog
When you add a task, you'll see this pop-up. Most of it is pretty straight-forward, but we'll just touch base on a few aspects:
- Organiser: this will be the username that you're logged in as.
- Attendees: the users you want to assign this task to. The task will show up in their task lists as well.
- Priority: tasks with higher priority will be displayed with more emphasis.
- Reminder: choose a date and time. All attendees of the task will see the reminder in Medilink Cloud.
3. How to edit a task
Select the three-dotted menu attached to the task you want to edit, and select Edit.
Note: you can only edit tasks that you are the organiser of.
Select SAVE DETAILS to save your changes.
4. How to filter my tasks
All task filters can be found at the top of the page.
A brief description about the filters above:
1. Filter tasks by assignee.
2. A general filter that allows you to filter by date (or period, e.g. next 14 days), show deleted tasks, or filter by due/overdue status.
3. Show only active tasks. Active tasks are those that have not yet been completed.
4. Toggle the search filter. Use it to search for tasks by subject and description.
5. Switch the sort order of task due date (ascending/descending).
On a small screen, the filter will collapse into a menu, accessible from the icon below:
5. How to complete a task
There are three ways to complete a task.
1. Multi-select method: select the checkbox next to each of the task(s) you want to complete and select the three-dotted menu at the top of the page. Select Complete.
2. Standard method: select the circle icon next to the task you want to complete.
3. Alternative method: select the three-dotted menu of a task and select Complete (or Add Note & Complete).
6. How to add a note to a task
Select the three-dotted menu of the task and select Add Note (or Add Note & Complete).
7. How to delete a task
Select the three-dotted menu of the task and select Delete.
8. How to assign a task
Select the three-dotted menu of the task and select Attendees. Choose the users you want to assign the task to and select ASSIGN.
- Only the organiser of a task can assign the task to other users.
- For tasks that have multiple users assigned, once one user completes the task, all users will see the task as completed.

9. How to change the due date of a task
There are three ways to change the due date of a task.
Note: only the organiser of a task can change its due date.
1. The quick (standard) way: select the three-dotted menu of a task. Under the Due heading, select the calendar icon and pick the new due date.
2. The not-so-quick way: select the three-dotted menu of a task and select Edit. Under the Due heading, select the calendar icon and pick the new due date.
3. Change due date in bulk: select the checkbox next to each of the task(s) you want to complete and select the three-dotted menu at the top of the page. Select the calendar icon and pick the new due date.
10. How to modify multiple tasks at a time
To select multiple tasks at a time, click/tap the checkbox next to each task you want to select.
The actions available to the selected tasks can be accessed in the three-dotted menu at the top of the page.
The actions available with multi-select (refer to image below) are:
1. Change the due date for all selected tasks.
2. Clear the due date for all selected tasks.
3. Mark all selected tasks as complete (selected tasks that are already complete won't be affected).
4. Mark all selected tasks as incomplete (selected tasks that are already incomplete won't be affected).
5. Bulk modify the users assigned to the selected tasks.