Calendar View of Appointments

To add an appointment, you may click the [+] button, or click a time slot represented by a cell.

Through the first way, the start time is current time. Through the second way, the start time is the start time of the time slot.


  • Grayed out areas in the view indicate time slots disabled, however, it is allowed to add appointment through clicking on a respective cell in order to override the availability rules temporarily.
  • Time slot cells are available in the Week view and the Day view.
  • By default after switching to the calendar view with either Weekly view or Daily view, the hour segment grid will scroll to the first enabled segment as defined in the availability rules.



After switching to the Calendar, by default, a doctor will have the Day view as the default view of the calendar. Other roles will have the Week view as the default view. Such default could be overriden in Settings.

Navigate Dates

Position to today.
Previous month/week/day.
Next month/week/day.

Navigating through clicking a cell work as well.


Free Range

You may click any hour segment in the enabled areas or the disable areas to add an appointment, and the start time of the appointment is align with the segment however, you may fine tune the start time in the Edit window for the appointment.

App Proposing Slots

The app will propose slots for appointments according to existing appointments and the availability rules.

Select patient and propose 5 slots

In the dialog, you may search a patient by name or phone number. In case of people with the same name, you may distinguish through birthdate and medicare number.

You may edit or add a patient.

After choosing a patient, the app will propose up to 5 slots from now on in 180 days. This covers that the patient wants to have an appointment ASAP.

The proposed slots are all outlined in the bottom sheet, and are displayed in yellow background in the calendar. However, because the proposed slots may span across days or weeks, it may happen that the calendar view may not display all.

You may click one of the proposed slots in the bottom sheet to edit the detail of the proposed appointment. Or you may click anywhere to close the bottom sheet, then you may click on one of the proposed slots in yellow to edit the detail.

Select patient and propose 5 slots within date range

The workflow is similar to prior one, with an additional step to choose date range. This covers that the patient wants to have an appointment not ASAP but in the future, for example, next week.

After choosing date range, the proposed slots will appear in the bottom sheet. Obviously those slots won't appear in current calendar view of the start date is next week or next month. However, after saving the appointment, the calendar view may jump to respective date.

Propose 5 slots within date range

The workflow is similar to prior one, but without choosing a patient first. This covers that some people sometimes would prefer to allocate available slots first before taking the patient's name and details.

Add for Another Practitioner

When this setting is enabled, you may view appointments each practitioner through choosing one from the drop down list.

When you add, the new appointment is assigned to the selected practitioner by default.

This cover the scenarios that a receptionist or a practitioner views and adds appointments for the other practitioner.


A receptionist may see the Add button disabled until practitioner is selected.