Outstanding Invoice Amounts of Patients (Aged Debtor)
Through outstanding Invoice Amounts of each patient over different periods, you may have a big picture of account receivable. And this report screen enable you to view and pay outstanding invoices.
And you can take actions of workflows.
Actions of Workflows
View Patient Detail
Click patient name to show patient details.
Phone Patient
Click the Phone button, a bottom sheet comes up with phone numbers.
Click the number to bring up the device's default dialer.
Sort Outstanding Amounts Over a Period
Click the button to sort the column in decending order.
And the currently sorted column has the button in red.
If the button is grey out like
, this means the respective column has no outstanding amount.
Show Outstanding Invoices And Pay
Click the button to display invoices.
And click each to show the invoice and then pay.
If the payment is a part payment and the invoice is still outstanding, the report will still show the total amount of outstanding invoices.
Click the Reload button to reload up-to-date data from the backend.
Click the printer button will bring the printer friendly view of the data loaded.
Click the PRINT button will bring the browser print function or the device print function.
If a column is sorted, the printer friendly view preserve such order.
Export to CSV
Click the CSV button will save the data loaded to a CSV file locally. The behavior may vary in different browsers of different devices.
Generally, on Windows PC, by default the CSV file will be saved to the default download folder.
However, for example in Google Chrome, if you had selected "Always open files of this type", the CSV file just saved will be opened in the default CSV application, such as MS Excel.
To cancel such behavior, go to Settings/Advanced/Downloads and Clear "Open certain file types automatically after downloading".
For the browser behaviors and the device behaviors upon CSV files, generally you should ask your local IT guys.