Medical contraindication is a type of immunisation medical exemption on the AIR, which are recorded for vaccines and their components.

Medical contraindications recorded on the AIR for a vaccine can be:  permanent – there is no end date  temporary – the end date is in the future

This means that the individual is not required to be vaccinated with that vaccine, or equivalents, during the recorded contraindication period. The Department of Health may also consider them up to date with immunisations for the purposes of:  child care enrolments  overdue reminder letters  overdue reporting for providers, and  meeting requirements for family assistance payments

Valid reasons for a permanent immunisation medical exemption on the AIR due to a medical contraindication are:  previous anaphylaxis (to vaccine/vaccine component)  significant immunocompromise (for live attenuated vaccines only)

Valid reasons for temporary immunisation medical exemption on the AIR due to a medical contraindication are:  acute major medical illness  significant immunocompromise of short duration (live attenuated vaccines only)  the individual is pregnant (live attenuated vaccines only)  

Following the positive identification of an individual and using their individual identifier, this service will:

 Record a vaccine exemption due to medical contraindication, and  Add the vaccine exemption to their medical contraindication history with the start date as the date recorded on the AIR