Highlight an Appointment and click Pay Invoice




Add Item Numbers and set various details as needed, and then click Payment.


Take Payment and click as appropriate, i.e. CASH for a Cash payment.



Click Patient Claim.



Then you can optionally re-verify the Medicare details (it will show when last verified) and process the claim:



You will then be shown a result from Medicare:



In some cases (as per above) the claim will be rejected but will be what is known as an ‘acceptable error’ and can be assessed by Medicare manually. In this case users must decide if they want to do that or not, and it will be ‘pended’.



When this occurs you will have a Lodgement Advice to provide to the claimant:


A Lodgement Advice is provided to the claimant when a patient claim has been lodged in real-time and referred to an agency operator for action.


Alternatively, you may have claims that are submitted completely successfully, and they will show a Statement of Claim and Benefit Paid for the claimant:


A Statement of Claim and Benefit Payment is provided to the claimant when a patient claim has been lodged in real time, processed by the agency, and a benefit amount returned to the claimant.