Scenario: A provider would like their patients exported.
Method 1: Export via CSV (Spreadsheet)
1. Right click MediLinkIt (in the tray near the clock).
2. Export -> Simple Patient Export
3. Print Column Headers YES
4. Choose Provider plus make the From Date a very old date (or at least as old as you want to retain records of these patients).
5. Save the CSV to a suitable location.
Method 2: Export via PATIENTS.IN and/or HL7 ADT
1. Links Menu -> Link Options
2. We will temporarily change Folder Paths for this Export. Note, folders must exist (create them if they do not):
a. PATIENTS.IN - turn on Clinical Link Options: plus configure the Folder Path to be where you want (example C:\DrJonesExport) and choose ASCII v3.
b. HL7 ADT - turn on Enable ADT and configure the Folder Path to be where you want (example C:\DrJonesExport\ADT\OUT).
3. Links -> Export -> Patients Via Links
4. NO - Apply Filters
5. Patient Export - Date Range Seen (Billed) - make the Start Date a very old date (or at least as old as you want to retain records of these patients).
6. Select Provider Practices - Highlight all of the Practices for the Provider you want. You can click the first one, hold shift, then click the last one.
7. Review your outputs in the folders.