When trying to email letters/documents/scans from Medilink DMS or DHR you may receive the following warning:

Microsoft Outlook
A program is trying to access email address information stored in Outlook. If this is unexpected, click Deny and verify your antivirus software is up-to-date.

While you can Allow this, it will keep coming back. If you Deny you may still get the Email compose box, but the email address will not be filled in.

The fix for this is to:

  • Run Outlook as administrator
  • File -> Options -> Trust Centre -> Trust Centre Settings -> Programmatic Access -> Never Warn Me About Suspicious Activity (Not Recommended)

It's not really ideal that we have to do it like that, but if we don't, Microsoft Outlook will always warn you about a program (like Medilink) accessing Outlook. In our case, it's simply to add email addresses in to the TO: box of a new email - hardly suspicious activity - but this is the only way to remove the Microsoft warning.