Once a document is uploaded to My Health Record, the provider can either remove or supersede that document if required.

Supersede Document:

To supersede an existing MHR document the provider first needs to open the patient in DHR clinical.

1. Add the new/altered specialist letter to attachments.

2. Right click the specialist letter you wish to use as the new version to upload. Then click 'Supersede as Specialist Letter to MHR' 

3. A window will show the uploads already made to MHR by this organisation. Select the one that needs to be superseded and then Click 'Supersede Document SL'

Upload History/Remove Upload:

Even when a MHR is removed by the patient, the provider can still view the documents they have uploaded to it and remove them.
To do this, right click a Specialist Letter from the Attachments menu in DHR clinical and choose 'Remove Specialist Letter'.
This will show a screen with all the document uploads made by the organisation. From this window you can select any upload and click 'Remove' to take if off the patient's MHR.